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Prijanto Resignation not Affect Services

BERITAJAKARTA.COM — 27/12/2011 16:17:24
Prijanto resignation as Jakarta Deputy Governor is ensured will not harm service in Jakarta Provincial Government. Even, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo guarantees service towards Jakarta residents in all sectors will not be influenced and harmed with no deputy governor.

He also commits will keep doing his duty as Jakarta leader optimally until October 2012.

“I’m sure services to Jakarta residents won’t be disturbed, although there is no more deputy Governor position. As Jakarta leader, I guarantee all duties left by him will be finished in accordance with rules,” he stated, Monday (12/26).

He stressed, while he was working as Jakarta Governor until October 2012, will not have any gap which can harm residents. He will try hard to pay attention and prioritize Jakarta importance because Fauzi was elected by residents four years ago, so he will finish duties of Jakarta residents, including developing society welfare.

Nevertheless, he disappointed of Prijanto’s decision because his position is eight months to go. Moreover, his position is duty for residents which could be done until end.

But, he respects Prijanto’s resignation as his deputy who has accompanied him in leading Jakarta for four years (2007/2011). Prijanto’s decision, must be based on careful consideration and deliberation. “He must have considered at every aspects from his decision. I respect it,” he added.

The next step towards his resignation letter from Prijanto, Jakarta Provincial Government will finish resignation procedure of this former Aster KASAD. Whereas, to replace his position, Fauzi will hand it over based on existing law.

“I hand it all over to existing law. Basically, I affirm it once more, Jakarta residents won’t have gap in any ways,” he stressed.

This resignation attracts many politicians. Commonly, they are disappointed of Prijanto action and decision who resigned in the middle his remaining duty in few months.

Politician expert from Indonesia Knowledge Institution (LIPI), Siti Zuhro,  stated Prijanto background as an army who commit Sapta marga is very contradictive with his decision to resign. His decision is also will not get positive result regarding his image and accessibility in front of society.

Yunarto Wijaya as Executive Director of Charta Politica is also assessed his resignation is more to personal problem, not political. It is form of his disappointment, not because of Fauzi Bowo not implementing political contract which has been agreed previously.

According to him, deputy governor function is governor companion in maintaining government. Deputy Governor only presents when governor is absent in implementing government’s duty.

“Prijanto should’ve known that because there is not authority allocation. Or maybe this resignation is related to pemilukada (regional head election) ahead because it is very hard to say his reason is idealism,” he continued.
Translator: sabrina

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